On behalf of the City of Williams Lake Council, I wish everyone a warm welcome to the 43rd annual Williams Lake Harvest Fair. This year‘s theme of “Gold Rush” is definitely fitting.
I know we have all been looking forward to brighter days when we can enjoy the events that help make our community strong and vibrant, and I am pleased that we are, once again, able to join in the fun at the Harvest Fair.
A visit to the Harvest Fair is a guaranteed good time! Come take in the excellent displays in the exhibitor hall and enjoy the always exciting Gymkhana. There is always a variety of food and refreshments on offer at the various concessions on site. From family-friendly activities such as gold panning, old
fashioned races, and the petting zoo, to the exciting team penning, wonderful entertainment and vendor lineup, there is something for everyone to enjoy again this year!
Many thanks to the Harvest Fair committee for your ongoing hard work and commitment to putting on an excellent event. It’s great to be able to enjoy the events again this year as we celebrate and showcase our community’s vast talents in a wide range of categories. The quality of the entries is always impressive, and the trip to the fair is a wonderful way to welcome the fall. Good luck to all the exhibitors; enjoy the fair.
Williams Lake Mayor, Walt Cobb